Austrian Wildlife: Eurasian Eagle Owl
"This collection is inspired by my hiking trip to the mountains of Austria. As a graduation present, my mother and I planned on going hiking in Austria. Unfortunately, due to Covid, we had to cancel/postpone it. This gave me the idea of bringing Austria to my studio instead. This collection features some animals we were hoping to see and some breathtaking Austrian Wildlfe."
This collection consists of the Eurasian Eagle-Owl, a Red Deer and an Eurasian Lynx
'Silent Stalker'
Pastel on Paper
50cm x 70cm
€800 / approx $885
"With his penetrating look, breaking the canvas barrier, the owl looks back at the viewer. Eyes that draw you in, to discover the owl's majestic body."
This is what I wanted to create with this drawing. I first fell in love with this owl's eyes. They immediately caught my attention. But whilst drawing, I discovered so many more parts of this owl, that are even more impressive than his eyes. The feathers on his wing, are just perfect.
The original drawing and limited edition prints are available. For more information, please fill in the form below or send an email to :)