African Big Five: Black Rhino

"Most people, especially wildlife lovers, will know the Big Five of Africa. But despite what the name suggests, they're not the 5 biggest animals in the African continent, nor the ones with the largest population (on the contrary!). The African Big Five consists of the 5 animals who are the most difficult and dangerous to hunt. Being able to hunt one of them, was (and is) seen as a big accomplishment and awarded with big prices and trophies. They were originally grouped in the late 1800s, but unfortunately, they're still hunted today.

With this collection, I hope to raise awareness for the difficulties these animals are currently dealing with, as well as raise money for organizations who strive towards no more hunting."

This collection currently consists of the Black Rhino, but will be completed with a, African elephant, lion, leopard and Cape buffalo in the future.

'The Black Rhino Facing a Dark Future'

Pastel on Paper

50x70 cm || 19.7x27.5 inch

€1200 / $1200

Using a black background, Paulien ensures that all the viewers' focus goes to the black rhino. A majestic, but critically endangered species, that deserves and needs all the attention it can get. With only 6500 animals left in 2024, the black rhino is critically endangered. I'll donate 25% to an organization helping the black rhinos. The population dropped to an all-time low between 1960 and 1995 but is now slowly recovering. However, there is still a lot of work to do. 

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